Welcome to the Pure White Light
Home Energy Healing 101 Total Health Session Format Body Sculpting I Can Fix This! Self Indulgent Pages Healthy Links News and Events Energy Contact TV Peace Client Profile

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Thank you for stopping by.  Please relax, breathe, take your time and glance around.

This website is about you!

These pages cover some basic points about how to get from where you are to where you want to be; to attaining health, growth, happiness, self improvement and realizing your full potential - at all levels - from critical to cosmetic - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually - every way!  



Where's Joseph Speaking these days?   Click Here




"Energy Contact"

The Television Show

available ON DEMAND

just click here


. . .  and on the air on LA Channel 36 and many Southern California communities

(check your local listings)


also . . .


in NYC (Manhattan Cable 57)

 web click here

Mondays at 7:00 pm pacific (10:00 pm eastern)


And selected episodes available on




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Joseph Willenbrink's forthcoming book

"Energy Contact"

will soon be available. 

If you would like to see a synopsis, proposal, sample chapters, etc.,  click the book cover, or

 click here

 . . . and check back here for updates.



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Do you "tweet"?  (I don't, but here's a link anyway.)

Want to see my youtube videos?






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This site is perpetually under construction. 




My typical clients are people with . . .



Physical pathologies / sickness  -  from arthritis to asthma to allergies; from cancer to migraines to lupus to fibromyalgia.


Injuries / physical traumas - strains and sprains, accident induced pains, sports injuries.  Some professional athletes earn thousands of dollars per game.  If they can heal their injuries and get off the bench three games quicker . . .


Emotional issues and traumas - depression, stress and tension, chronic fatigue, eating disorders, panic disorders, unresolved major abuse and relationship issues to minor neuroses.


"Blocks" - barriers of all kinds; from writers block to four minute miles to walls to "glass ceilings".


"Ruts"  -  that string of bad luck that gets you down and won't let you up; from one bad relationship to another, from one bad job to a worse one.  Ruts are like graves with the ends kicked out.


A desire to change their appearance/ shape - Many people are not happy with their anatomy.  Some people accept the falsehood that they are stuck with the shape of their bodies, or that they can only modify their form through plastic surgery.  Here, you can do naturally that for which people pay thousands to get artificially.   You can also eliminate "surface disorders" such as rashes, acne, dermatitis, eczema.


Great Health - people who are vibrant and healthy and want to be more vibrant and healthy. Yogis and dancers, gymnasts and martial artists who want to be more flexible.  Professional athletes who want to get off of the "Disabled list" faster, then stay off of it.  Actors and performers who want to unlock the creative power within.  Professionals who want to have more "work focus" at work and "home focus" at home . . . etc.


If any of these things intrigue you, read on.  There is more about each of them inside.  


My goal is not to make you feel cosmetically better for a little while. 

My goal is to help you change your life permanently and dramatically in a positive way. 



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What is on This Site?


This site has a lot of information about what I am, what I do, what you can expect from me, what I expect from you, and so on.  Please do not feel compelled to read all of the information; it is not required.  But if you have an enquiring mind, please be encouraged to fill it up here.


When you read these pages, please lighten up!  I take my gift and my work very seriously, but also with great joy and with a grain of salt.  Life isn't meant to be that heavy.  Laugh.  You'll feel better.  


Please spread the word.  Tell others about me and about this site.  Thank you.


My goal is to arrange this so that you can find the information you want without having to suffer through things that do not interest you.  Please be encouraged to provide me feedback with respect to both the information presented, and the site itself.




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To read about the science of the esoteric, and the mystical side of science, clicking the violet sahasrara chakra to the right will take you to my favorite part of this website - a nine-page, brief-yet-very-thorough section that will explain everything quite clearly - from Einstein and Newton to auras, chakras and mysticism to sexual energy to health to why you look like you do . . .


To read about my underlying principals, tenets, and to find out generally what I do and how I do it, select the indigo ajna chakra . . .

To learn about what specifically I propose to do for you, and what "working with you" entails, access the blue vishuddha chakra . . .


Would you like to watch the Energy Contact TV Show?  It's available for streaming on demand.  Just select the green anahata chakra  . . .

For an irreverent treatment of metaphysical matters and psychic healing, go to the place where I don't take myself so seriously.  This is also the place where I tell you about myself.  Access it via the yellow manipura chakra . . .


Select the orange svadhistana chakra to find out where I am speaking, conducting workshops, etc., or to get information about how to hire me for YOUR event  . . .

To see recommended books, articles, and links, along with reasons why I recommend them, click the red muladhara chakra . . .







Joseph Willenbrink




Venice, CA



310-392-9395 home/office

310-529-5056 cell/text

502-897-7042 in Louisville, KY




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This website, and all materials herein, are  copyright © 1999-2015  Joseph L. Willenbrink, III